Monitor Task Setup

There are 3 task types in Caspian AIO:

  • Normal tasks

  • Waiting for monitor tasks

  • Monitor tasks

In this page we explain the difference and how to set up a waiting for monitor task and monitor task.

What are monitor tasks?

Monitor tasks are special tasks which monitor a product. You can create 2 or 3 monitor tasks and they monitor a product or multiple products and once they find stock, they can ping up to 5000 normal tasks.

The advantage of monitor tasks is that you decrease proxy usage and decrease proxy bans. This is because you only run a couple monitor tasks instead of many normal tasks.

The disadvantage is that it's slightly slower than normal tasks between detecting stock and checking out. This is because after the monitor task finds stock, it needs to ping the waiting for monitor tasks and they need to cart the product.

When do I use monitor tasks?

You use monitor tasks when you expect a drop of a large amount of items but not sure when.

For example: product XYZ drops between Monday and Wednesday. You run a couple monitor tasks which detect the stock while you're away and once they detect stock, the waiting for monitor tasks are started.

How do I create a monitor task?

  1. Click add task.

  2. Enter the product you want monitor inside the monitor input

  3. If you want to monitor certain sizes, select those sizes here!

  4. Enter other information needed. Monitor tasks NEVER check out items so if you have to select a payment method, this will NOT be used when running the monitor.

  5. After creating the task, right click on the task and click "Set as Monitor"

  6. Click on the monitor tab and start the task.

  7. Profit! That's it :)

How do I create a waiting for monitor task?

Waiting for monitor tasks are just normal tasks. You can create tasks as normal and they will appear on the checkout tab.

Waiting for monitor tasks have a couple options next to regular tasks:

  • When the monitor input is a * it triggers on ANY monitor task. For example you monitor 3 different products. Whatever product is in stock, it starts checkout out that product.

  • If you set the size of the waiting for monitor task to any size (random), it checks out the sizes set inside the the monitor task.

  • If you want the waiting for monitor task to trigger on a specific product, give it the same monitor input as the monitor task.

To start waiting for monitor tasks, you need to click the SECOND green button. It logs into the account and sets up various strategies to checkout faster. After that it goes to the status waiting for monitor.

How can I start all of my monitor tasks and waiting for monitor tasks?

To start all of your monitor and waiting for monitor tasks, you can press the start button at the bottom of the page. Then select the monitor function. This will start all monitor tasks and all other tasks as waiting for monitor tasks.

Last updated