Webhooks Setup

What are webhooks?

Webhooks are messages posted by a Discord webhook bot inside your server by an application. Webhooks can only send messages to your server and not control it like bots do. They are used inside Caspian AIO for all various reasons but the main usage is to emit a message when you checked out a item or you need to finish the order manually.

Where can I create webhooks?

Go to a Discord text channel and click on the settings icon. Then click on integrations, webhooks and create webhook. Afterwards copy the URL of the webhook to use it inside Caspian AIO.

Where can I enter my webhooks?

Before you start running tasks, you need to enter the webhook URL(s) on the settings page. We support different webhooks if you like to split your incoming messages. It's important to set these webhooks as they deliver possible checkout links! If you have forgotten to setup these webhooks, the analytics page provides this information too!

  • Success

  • PayPal ACO

  • Decline

  • Raffle Entry

  • Raffle Win

  • Account Gen

  • Monitor

Besides these global webhooks, we also support custom webhooks for profiles and taskgroups. Please take a look at the settings page to setup webhooks to suit your workflow.

Last updated