Amazon Task Setup

Amazon is the world’s largest online retailer that offers a variety of electronics, graphics cards, and other high-demand items.

Request Mode Task Setup

Monitoring Input

Enter an ASIN or Offer ID.

ASIN can be found at the end of a link.


Therefore the ASIN would be B09DFCB66S.

You can also run multiple ASIN's separating using a comma ","


Monitoring Method

It is recommended to choose OID when running Amazon. If I enter an ASIN into the monitoring input, then I would select ASIN and vice versa. If I enter an OID into the monitoring input, then I would select OID for the monitoring method.

On expected drops, it is recommended to begin with ASIN to have the account logged in and session saved. Once you receive the OID, replace the ASIN with the OID in the monitoring input section and switch to OID monitoring method.


Toggle on 50% of tasks.

Turn off for hyped drops


Toggle on 50% of tasks.

This will only for US and JP regions.

Cannot be used in combination with Turbo.

Proxy Group

ISPs are generally preferred over Residential Proxies.

Add Profile Info

Toggle this to add your profile to your account(s).

Account Group

We would highly suggest having prime accounts as most of the time it is required for high-demand items.

Make sure that your accounts have your card and address defaulted on your account with One-Click settings enabled.

Minimum/Maximum Price

It is recommended to add a price range to products to avoid third-party purchases.

Task Quantity

One task per account at any given time.


Default Delays are 4500/4500. Adjust as needed.

Raffle Mode Task Setup

Supported Regions: US, CA, NL, DE, UK, JP, AE, SG, AU, SE, FR, ES, IT, ES

Task Setup

Monitoring Input

Enter an ASIN

ASIN can be found at the end of a link.


Therefore the ASIN would be B09DFCB66S

Proxy Group

ISPs are generally preferred over Residential Proxies.

Add Profile Info

Toggle this to add your profile to your account(s).

Account Group

Accounts are required to run Amazon. We would highly suggest having prime accounts as most of the time it is required for high-demand items.

Make sure that your accounts have your card and address defaulted on your account with One-Click settings enabled.

Item Quantity

One task per account at any given time.


Default Delays are 4500/4500. Adjust as needed.

Last updated