Jigging Profiles

Catchall Emails

We support catchall emails. Just enter your domain like "caspianaio.com" and we append something in front of it like "hello@caspianaio.com".

Jigging email and Shipping/Billing fields

We support a couple ways of jigging.

  1. Fields with a random toggle support generating random names or phone numbers. If a toggle is turned on, it will ignore the value of the field except with emails where it will use the catchall.

  2. Fields marked with a + are jiggable in two different ways:

  • The legacy way we support is using at least two uppercase XX's after each other to replace those XX's with custom information. For example "XXhello" becomes "rzhello" or "ythello".

  • You can use @ for letters and # for numbers. For example "@hello" will jig to "yhello" and "#@hello" will jig to "2zhello".

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