Panini America

Panini America is the home for the NFL, NBA, Baseball, Hockey, NASCAR and Collegiate Sports Trading Cards.


Panini has only two mode: FCFS Mode and Auction Mode. Below is a guide that shows how to set up for a release.


  • Accounts are required

  • AYCD Autosolve is required

Auction Mode Task Setup

Monitor Input

Paste the link in this section.


Enable for hyped drops.

Max Price

Enter Max Price.

Proxy Group

Please select a proxy group.

Match E-mail

Toggle if you would like to match your accounts to your profiles based on the email.


Please select your profile(s).

Account Group

Select an Account Group.

Task Quantity

One task per account at any given time.


Default delays are 4500/4500. Adjust as needed.

FCFS Task Setup

Monitor Input

Paste the link in this section.


Enable for hyped drops.

Proxy Group

Please select a proxy group.

Match E-mail

Toggle if you would like to match your accounts to your profiles based on the email.


Please select your profile(s).

Account Group

Select an Account Group.

Task Quantity

One task per account at any given time.


Recommended Delays are 4500/4500.

Last updated