

Yahoo module supports both Account based and Guest checkouts. Below guide showcases basic task setup to help you prepare for drops.


  • A captcha solver must be setup in Settings and enabled to be able to solve captchas automatically as needed. Based on internal testing, 2captcha seems to work the best for the captcha challenges used on Yahoo.

  • Shipping and Payment information used to checkout comes directly from the profile selected during Caspian task creation.

  • Credit card owner name in the profile inside Caspian must be in English.

Task Setup

Monitor Input

A direct product page link for the product you want to buy must be inputted in the Monitor Input field.


There are 2 modes available for Yahoo:

  1. Account - Used to checkout on the inputted account.

  2. Guest - Used to perform Guest based checkout.

Payment Method

Select your preferred payment method to use for checkout. Supported options include Credit Card and Cash On Delivery.

Proxy Group

Select one of the pre-configured proxy groups for the task.

Sizes (Optional)

Select amongst available size(s) if needed based on your requirements.

Color (Optional)

Enter color options if preferred separated by commas. Example: ホワイト,ブラック


Select the profile you want to use to purchase the product. You can enable Match E-mail toggle if you want profiles on tasks to match accounts selected based on the email automatically.

Accounts (Only for Account mode)

Select amongst the available accounts to use for checkout.

Task Quantity

Select number of tasks to create.


Default delays for monitoring and error retries are 4500/4500 ms. Adjust as needed.

Last updated