TAF is the biggest sneaker chain in Mexico and Latin America.


TAF only has one mode: Request Mode. Below is a guide on how to set up for a release.

Profile Notes

  • Please do not use the Address 2/Extended Address field when filling in your profiles.

  • The Nr. field in the profile section should be used to fill in No. Exterior.

Task Setup

Monitor Input

Paste the link in this section.

Size (Optional)

Choose a size or leave blank (random size will be chosen).

Proxy Group

Please select a proxy group.


Please select your profile(s).

Payment Method

  • OXXO - OXXO Pay is a voucher payment to pay bills and online purchases in-store with cash.

Task Quantity

As many as you wish.


Default delays are 4500/4500. Adjust as needed.

Last updated