24 7 Serverside Online Setup


This mode allows you to run 24/7 using proxy-less monitoring. All you need to do is select the categories and items you wish to run for.

Please refer to the #serverside-list channel in the discord for the complete list of items we are monitoring.

Task Setup


Toggle to run 24/7Serverside ToggleToggle On.

Serverside Categories

In this section, you can select the category(s) and item(s) you wish to run for.


Select Online Mode.

Proxy Group

Please select a proxy group.


Select your profile(s).

Match E-mail

Toggle if you would like to match your accounts to your profiles based on the email.

Account Group

Select an Account Group.

Auto Unlocking (Optional)

Toggle if you would like to use the Auto-Unlocker.

Imap Email

Select IMAP Master Email.

Task Quantity

One task per account at any given time.


Recommended Delays are 4500/4500

Last updated