Luisa Via Roma

LUISAVIAROMA is an EU retailer of the luxury market selling shoes, clothing, and accessories that also ships to the US.


Luisaviaroma has five modes: Frontend, Backend (which equally work the same), Raffle, Cancel, and Check LVR Points mode. Below is a guide on how to set up for a release.

Release Notes

  • We recommend users to be careful with their setup by testing with 1-2 task before increasing amounts.

  • To setup PayPal ACO, purchase a cheap item with PayPal payment method and then run Cancel Mode afterwards.

  • Split Tasks between Frontend/Backend and Bypass On/Off 50/50 each.

  • Residential Proxies and ISPs are recommended.

  • Recommended Delays for Frontend/Backend:

    • Monitor Delay 500-700

    • Retry Delay 2500-3500

Profile notes

For regions of UK and PT, cities in your profiles need to be labeled exactly how it is input on the website.


Raffle Mode

  • Accounts with Sneaker Club Access are required.

Frontend/Backend Mode

  • These modes equally work the same

Cancel Mode

  • Cancel mode offers the option to cancel all or the most recent eligible orders on the account.

Note: Refunds typically process within a few minutes to up to 2 days.

Check LVR Points

  • Will check how many points that are earned on the account that can be used to gain rewards and discounts

Payment Methods

Credit Card

If you select Credit Card it will pay using a profile you select from your profile group.


If you choose PayPal as your payment method, you will receive a checkout webhook to finish the transaction. Please make sure your webhook is set up prior to the drop.

PayPal ACO

If you select PayPal ACO it will try to checkout using a random PayPal account that is logged in on the toolbox. If it fails to pay then it will send you a checkout webhook instead.

Bank Transfer

If you choose Bank Transfer as your payment method, you will receive a checkout webhook to finish the transaction. Please make sure your webhook is set up prior to the drop.

LVR Task Page features

Mass Input Change

In your task groups, you have the ability to mass change your monitor input to a new link or SKU. Simply enter the new SKU or link into the Mass Input Change field, then click the arrow to confirm changes.

Last updated