Task Setup

Each module has it's own features like multi-product, monitors and live product change. However to improve your time to setup, you can find general guidelines to setup tasks on this page.

Monitor Input

Monitor input is the product you want to buy. For each module we support a different input. This might be a SKU, PID or a Link. Some modules support running multiple SKU's, PID's or Links. This is either mentioned in the module or on task form as "PID(s) or Sizepids". You can run multiple monitor inputs on one task by separating them by a semicolon ";".


For almost all sites where we support account mode, it's only allowed to run ONE account for each task for that site! This means that an account can't be used on task creation for the same website if it's already used by a task. If you duplicate a task, it's possible to have two tasks with the same account, however it's still impossible to start both tasks!


Except mentioned, we don't support running modules localhost. Also we don't support IP authenticated proxies for most modules. This is because we use various techniques where we fetch data from a third party using your proxie. To improve performance, we run these services on servers and not locally.


When preload is available, enter a product in the format described on the taskform to preload the checkout. This can be a link, PID or SKU depending on the site. During preloading we submit shipping information, billing information and even 3ds if this is possible. After preloading the information, we monitor the actual product and when it's in stock we use the preloaded checkout to buy the product faster.


Task quantity is the multiplier for task creation. This means it takes the current the amount of profiles or accounts selected * the task quantity. So 10 profiles selected * quantity of 2 = creating 20 tasks.

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