
Footshop is a CZ based global medium that connects culture, subcultures, groups and individuals together into a collective with one thing in common - love for streetwear.

Supported Regions: GR, BG, SK, SI, RO, PL, BE, NL, HU, IT, HR, FR, ES, US, GB, AT, DE, CZ, EU


Footshop has one mode: Request.


  • Footshop sometimes enforces captcha on checkout. To handle these captchas, please ensure you have a captcha solver setup and enabled -> Captcha Solvers

  • Footshop has a payment hold that lasts for a few minutes. Therefore, Caspian when using Credit Card or PayPal payment methods sends a payment link that can be used to purchase the item as needed. (Payment link can be accessed on the Analytics page or via the checkout web hook if configured)

Task Setup

Monitor Input

Input target product link.


Entering size is optional and can be left empty in case you plan to run random sizing. Else, you must select specific size(s) you wish to buy.

Footshop currently uses only EUR sizing to find matches.


Module currently only supports 1 pre-selected mode i.e Request mode.

Captcha Enforced

If running a product that has captcha enabled on checkout, the "Captcha Enforced" toggle should be turned on. Doing so helps improve the checkout speed in case captcha is present.

Note: If you are not sure if a captcha is present or not for the target product, you can leave the "Captcha Enforced" toggle turned off and it will automatically figure out if captcha is needed and proceed accordingly.

Proxy Group

Select amongst the available proxy groups to use. Proxy is currently mandatory to run tasks on Footshop.


Select amongst the available regions the one you wish to run.

Make sure the product url inputted for monitoring is for the same entered region.

Payment Methods

  • Cash On Delivery: You can select this method if you want to pay for the goods on arrival. Remember,

Cash On Delivery is not available on every order and if chosen incorrectly will prevent you from purchasing the item.

  • Credit Card: You can select this method if you want to pay via Caspian selected profile Credit Card.

  • PayPal: You can select this method if you want to pay via a PayPal checkout link.

Coupon & Force Coupon

You can enter coupon(s) separated via , or ; that you wish to apply during checkout. Enable Force Coupon toggle if you want to stop tasks incase any of the inputted coupon codes does not work. Without Force Coupon enabled, if all coupon codes are invalid, the bot will still proceed to checkout.


Select the profile you want to use to purchase the product.

Task Quantity

Select number of tasks to create.


Default delays are 4500/4500. Adjust as needed.

Last updated