Questions you might have about your license

Can I transfer my license?

No. If you want to cancel your license and you have a friend who REALLY wants it, you can open a ticket and ask but our answer is probably no.

Do I need to pay initial again after I cancel my license?

Yes. Your initial covers unexpected expenses and members who don't want to support the project.

Do I need to pay VAT?

Currently Whop is our MoR (Merchant of Record) till we have found a MoR outside the EU which means you pay Whop and they pay us. Whop is VAT registered and so you need to pay VAT depending on your billing address. It charges VAT depending on the country you enter for your billing address. This is temporary till we have found a payment provider which doesn't cause problems for you!

Can I get my VAT back? (B2B)

If you enter your VAT ID on checkout, you don't get charged VAT. Currently there is a visual bug which shows you being charged VAT but after checkout you only get charged the amount without VAT added. On the invoice it shows 0% VAT reverse charged.

Where can I get my invoices?

Go to your billing history on Whop and click on manage next to your product. Then a popup opens and on the top left there is a small clickable "More Details" link. This opens a new page where you can view and download all of your invoices!

Last updated