
Rakuten Group, Inc. is a Japanese electronic commerce and online retailing company based in Tokyo, founded by Hiroshi Mikitani in 1997.

Supported Regions:JP


Rakuten has only one mode: Account Mode. Below is a guide that shows how to set up for a release.


  • Accounts are required to run on Caspian

  • 2 Captcha is required for high-demand items.

Task Setup

Books Subdomain

If you would like to purchase from the following subdomain, please select the toggle.

Monitor Input

Link is required for the following subdomain.

Link or PID is required for the following subdomain

Proxy Group

Please select a proxy group.

Account Group

Select an Account Group

Only 1 task per account is allowed.

Use Profile Info

Toggle if you would like to use the profile information from Caspian.

When untoggled, Koi will use the profile information from the account.

Last updated