
Adidas AG is a German athletic apparel and footwear corporation. It launches a bunch of exclusive highly profitable sneakers via their website or using their proprietary Confirmed App.

FCFS Supported Regions: AT, BE, CA, CH, CZ, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, NL, NO, PL, PT, SE, SK, US Confirmed Supported Regions: AT, BE, BR, CA, CH, CZ, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE, IT, JP, NL, NO, PL, PT, SE, SK, US


Adidas has 4 modes: FCFS (Guest), FCFS (Account), Confirmed & Win Checker.


  • A captcha solver must be enabled and setup in settings as Adidas often throws a captcha at login -> Captcha Solvers

  • Some regions such as PT require a VAT ID inputted in the profile attached to the task for checkout.

  • Adidas accounts are needed depending on the mode you run. These accounts can however be easily generated using the in-bot Adidas Account Generator.

Task Setup

Monitor Input

Input target product SKU(s) or link.

Note: If using SKU as input, you can input multiple on the same task separated by ; or , only when running any of the FCFS modes.


Entering size is optional and can be left empty in case you plan to run random sizing. Else, you must select specific size(s) you wish to buy.

Note: Type of sizing (US, EU, et.c) depends on the type of sizing available on the website in your target region for that specific product on the product page.


Choose 1 of the available modes based on what you plan to accomplish:

  • FCFS (Account): Used to checkout items on Adidas website using an account.

  • FCFS (Guest): Used to checkout items on Adidas website as a guest.

  • Confirmed: Used to enter raffle or run exclusive drops available on the Confirmed App.

  • Win Checker: Used to check for existence of an order for an inputted sku/link.

Proxy Group

Select amongst the available proxy groups to use. Proxy is currently mandatory to run tasks on Adidas.

Adidas is extremely strict on IPs accessing their website. We suggest running a big list of residential proxies for best results.

Payment Method

  • FCFS modes can be bundled with either Credit Card, PayPal or PayPal ACO based checkout. If PayPal ACO is selected, Caspian will automatically try to complete the entire checkout using PayPal account setup inside the Caspian toolbox. For regular PayPal payment method, bot will share PayPal checkout links that can be manually paid to secure the item.

  • Confirmed mode can only be used with a Credit Card.

Adidas currently enforces a short hold cart hold after PayPal link is generated and hence we suggest using normal PayPal payment method. Also ensure you have PayPal webhook setup in settings page to make sure you receive all PayPal links as needed.

Coupon & Force Coupon

You can enter coupon(s) separated via , or ; that you wish to apply during checkout.

Enable Force Coupon toggle if you want to stop tasks incase any of the inputted coupon codes does not work. Without Force Coupon enabled, if all coupon codes are invalid, the bot will still proceed to checkout.


Select the profile you want to use to purchase the product. You can enable Match E-mail toggle if you want profiles on tasks to match accounts selected based on the email.


Accounts are mandatory for running the Adidas module except for FCFS (Guest) mode.

Item Quantity

Select the number of items you want to purchase for the given task.

If the quantity selected is more than the allowed limit or the product is not available in the selected quantity, task will not checkout.

Task Quantity

Select number of tasks to create.


Default delays are 4500/4500. Adjust as needed.

Last updated